
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016, Located at the Intersection of Fear and Hope

"Sometimes we have to travel to the edge of ourselves to find the center." - Buck Ghosthorse,  Lakota Medicine Man

New Years is a time for reflection and renewed commitment to improve our lives in a way that characterizes who we are and who we wish to become. The end of 2016 marks the intersection of two very different realities in America—one is fear, the other is hope. 

A simplified duality, these two realms exist within my soul just as they do in the greater world. Fear and Hope—the yin and yang of self-will versus the way of the Tao.

Fear, real or perceived, can enslave us or motivate us. How we use it determines our character. Channel it for empowerment. Succumb to it and hopelessness awaits. Respect it and disabuse others from it and you will bring peace and hope to the world.

In 2017, I choose hope.