Faith—the belief in things beyond what can be seen or proven—governs all of us. It is stronger than our intellect, it defies logic, and is sometimes at odds with tangible evidence that opposes or contradicts it.
Truth exists in the realms of what can be seen and not seen; what can be proven and cannot be proven. Neither realm is more or less worthy than the other—they harmoniously coexist in a state known as what IS.
Our life experience is our truth. No matter how limited, no one can argue against another's life experience. Conversely, one's perception of the truth can only be changed through their own life experience and rarely through reason, logic, and information alone.
Think about your own life experiences.
- How many times have you thought you would not like something, only to discover once you tried it, you did?
- Have there been things in your life you once liked, but no longer do?
- Are there things you hated as a kid but now love?
- Or is contempt prior to investigation more your vein?
Our belief systems shape our perceptions and color the lenses through which we view life. We each perceive life through this filter of life truth. It is only when something happens to us that we discover a new life truth. These defining moments—real or perceived—are orchestrated paradigm shifts that allow us to grow, change, and become our truest selves.
When we stop growing, we die.
When we exist, we know only what others tell us about the world.
We we wake, we find truth.
When we live, we know the world.
When we seek, we expand our minds and liberate our souls from the bondage of self.
When we treat all sentient beings and the planet with respect, we live in harmony with the laws of nature.
When we exist, we know only what others tell us about the world.
We we wake, we find truth.
When we live, we know the world.
When we seek, we expand our minds and liberate our souls from the bondage of self.
When we treat all sentient beings and the planet with respect, we live in harmony with the laws of nature.
When we move beyond self-seeking, peace, love, and tranquility will fill our hearts.
Are you moving beyond self-seeking today?
Are you moving beyond self-seeking today?