
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Life Truth & The Tao

Faith—the belief in things beyond what can be seen or proven—governs all of us. It is stronger than our intellect, it defies logic, and is sometimes at odds with tangible evidence that opposes or contradicts it. 

Truth exists in the realms of what can be seen and not seen; what can be proven and cannot be proven. Neither realm is more or less worthy than the other—they harmoniously coexist in a state known as what IS. 

Our life experience is our truth. No matter how limited, no one can argue against another's life experience. Conversely, one's perception of the truth can only be changed through their own life experience and rarely through reason, logic, and information alone.  

Think about your own life experiences.
  • How many times have you thought you would not like something, only to discover once you tried it, you did? 
  • Have there been things in your life you once liked, but no longer do? 
  • Are there things you hated as a kid but now love? 
  • Or is contempt prior to investigation more your vein? 
Our belief systems shape our perceptions and color the lenses through which we view life. We each perceive life through this filter of life truth. It is only when something happens to us that we discover a new life truth. These defining moments—real or perceived—are orchestrated paradigm shifts that allow us to grow, change, and become our truest selves. 

When we stop growing, we die.
When we exist, we know only what others tell us about the world.
We we wake, we find truth.
When we live, we know the world.
When we seek, we expand our minds and liberate our souls from the bondage of self.
When we treat all sentient beings and the planet with respect, we live in harmony with the laws of nature. 
When we move beyond self-seeking, peace, love, and tranquility will fill our hearts.

Are you moving beyond self-seeking today?

Monday, January 2, 2017

Carpe Diem

Surfer at Steamer Lane in Santa Cruz, California overlooks the drop in. 
Water slops against your board as you sit in wait. The only thing between you and two-thirds of the water and wildlife on Earth is your board. Humbled by the vast ocean, you feel infinitesimal and alone, yet connected to life, one with the Earth. 

The sweet smell of Sex Wax melts away your anxieties. Taste the salt on your lips. Listen to the seagulls bantering overhead. Feel the sun warm your salt-filled hair. Tranquility takes you to a zen-like state where nothing but the moment exists. 

On the horizon, the break you have been waiting for. You turn, paddle, and in seconds the ocean sweeps you into her adventure. You drop in, jump to your feet, and ride in thrilling exhilaration. Her power takes you as far as you are willing to go, then releases you back into her calm. 

The rush is intoxicating. The cornucopia of sensual stimulation addictive. You have little choice but to paddle back out. And so you do, again and again, set after set, day after day, year after year. 

This is the good stuff. This is what life is all about—living in the moment. Ceasing opportunities. Following your bliss. Feeding your soul. Living in peace. 


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Green in 2017

Start the new year off right. Bring peace to your mind, body, and soul. Save money. Save the planet. Here are 10 ways to Go Green in 2017!

10. Reduce Food and Material Consumption πŸŒŽπŸ’²πŸ

9. Reduce Social Media and Cell Phone Use ☮ πŸ’š 🍏

8. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Plant a Tree πŸŒŽπŸ’²πŸ’š

7. Donate Your Time, Not Just Money and Stuff, to Charity ☮ πŸ’š 🌎

6. Support Local Everything ☮ πŸ’šπŸŒ²πŸŒŽπŸ’²πŸ

5. Skip a Shower Once a Week 🌍🌍

4. Go Organic πŸ’š 🌎🌲🍏

3. Juice and Blend πŸ’š 🌎🌲🍏

2. Try New Things and Find Your Bliss ☮ πŸ’š 🍏

1. Love Yourself ☮ πŸ’š 🍏

How you choose to Go Green is up to you. Being a responsible steward of your body, mind, and soul and the planet benefits everyone. Peace.

☮ Peace πŸ’š Love 🌲 Buy Local 🌎 Save the PlanetπŸ’²Save Money 🍏 Be Healthy