A few kilometers later, we arrive in the hamlet Zariquiegui. We stop for coffee and a few minutes later are joined by out friends Angelo, Greg, Ina, and Aleix. It's great to see them. We chat for a bit and head out again. Throughout the day we all find each other and eventually end up at the same albergue in Puente la Reina. We spend the evening together and take in some of the sites. We go to mass after dinner and though I don't understand a word, I find peace sitting there.
Physically, the day has been challenging; my knee is not happy. But a little ice on and off seems to be helping. As the sun sets, my eyes grow heavy. My mind was still today. I was present in every moment. I suppose pain and suffering does that to a person, right? Ha! But something Angelo said earlier tonight seems profoundly important. "The Camino will change you. It changes your mind." I hope it's true.
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