
Friday, April 5, 2019

Time Gone By

The wind rolled over my body as I slept in a bed of wildflowers that teased the clouds and rose only after my skin had pinked the shade of the loveliest tea roses you’d ever seen. Near the great oak a wild horse stood doing whatever horses do and I stood enchanted by the verdant hills that I’d only ever known to be a dull brown covered with dust.

The rains had drown the drought and now a lush field of thick grass existed where there had been none before. I marveled at the land that had once resembled death but now satisfied like drink to a parched man’s lips. The trees burst with flowers and the bees danced across the pedals, buzzing a great harmony to ears that would later feast upon the fruits of their labor.

Earth appeared as a different place. Even the smelly bog had reformed and instead of striking depression became a reflecting pool for the great cyan sky and booming white clouds.

We passed orchard after orchard until we were stopped by a passing train. It could have been a long time ago and for just a moment, it was.

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