
Friday, June 26, 2015

The Corner of Bitter and Sweet

I love the excitement and unpredictability of a new adventure; new people, experiences...the surprise of the unknown. But every new beginning is another beginning's end and sometimes that means saying goodbye to people you really care about. My life would be an extraordinarily boring place if it weren't for the people in it; they make it what it is, at least in part.

Today was my last day at my current job and I'm going to be straight - I'm poly-emotional. As thrilled as I am about the path in front me, I'm equally, if not more sad about the people I'm leaving behind. Just think about it for a second. Most of us who work full time spend more time with our office mates, colleagues, and favorite cafeteria workers than we do with our housemates or families. They may not be as intimately familiar with us as the people at home, but they spend a significant amount of time with us every week. Over time this adds up to a lot of hours; a lot of time to observe and get to know each other.

There is tremendous solace in seeing familiar faces on a daily basis; we become part of a bigger whole and take comfort knowing that we belong to this pack. And those faces which seemed strange to us in the beginning, become the faces of family members who are walking through the same experiences, facing the same challenges, celebrating the same victories, day in and out for months and years. And just like family, there may be some we like more than others, but in the end we are all on the same team. And then there are those we genuinely love and care about-those who become more than coworkers and colleagues-our friends and confidants. These are the people who make work fun, who make our jobs easier, who make work an enjoyable and pleasant place to be. These are the people who care more about us as people than they do about our productivity, who listen when we need to talk, who offer a shoulder when the burdens we carry become too much. These are the people who support us and help us achieve our goals both professionally and personally, and encourage us to reach for the stars. These are the people we want to take with us to our next assignment. These are the people we would do anything for if they ever needed us. These are the people who don't burn popcorn in the microwave or bring leftover fish for lunch.

Today is a bit on the bitter-sweet side of things, and that's okay. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to grieve leaving a job. That means we did something right. Actually, we did a lot of things right.  It would really be sad if I couldn't wait to leave and never wanted to see your faces again-and that's happened to me before, at least once. So, to the friends and family members I'm leaving behind today, this is not really goodbye, it's just see you later. Thank you for everything and thank you for being part of my Camino. See you soon!
Dawning of a New Day

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