
Monday, August 3, 2015

Sacred Hearts, Limitless L❤️VE

Time doesn't really exist. It serves only as a measure of existence. It's a human invention that provides structure, boundaries and a sense of space to an otherwise limitless world. There are many things, intangible things, that ignore time altogether, namely love and friendship. Our connections with others-those that are authentic and real-are boundless, free of limitations and free of time. They exist in our hearts just as true today as yesterday, just as pure and innocent, as honest and sacred. These relationships are the ones that bring the greatest meaning to our lives. They give us hope, provide a safe place to be ourselves, and make us better human beings. These are relationships of compassion, understanding, lovingkindness and acceptance. These are the relationships that never fade away, even when years pass unseen or unspoken. These are the kindred spirits and soulmates who never leave us and travel with us everyday in spirit even when we are apart.

Yesterday one of my closest, dearest friends, Jason, unseen for 22 years, accompanied me to a wedding of souls whose love was rekindled after a 20 year separation. It was poetic, magical, blissful. It was paradoxical, being there together, witnessing a sacred union of hearts after so much time had passed. And like Aheri and Shira, whose love was unadulterated and boundless after so long, Jason and I were two peas in a pod, like we'd never been apart. Our friendship, our love for each other, our genuine compassion for each other's well being, superseded all concept of time. We hung out just like old times, talked about our life's paths and cherished our time together in the moment just as we are today. Our friendship, our love, is authentic, sacred and pure, just like the marriage of hearts we beared witness to. It was a magnificent day, spiritual and joyful. Though the moments have passed, the experience will live on within each of us and we will remember the connection, the joy, and profound love we felt on August 2nd, the greatest weekend of love. And we wish all the best to Aheri and Shira, on the beginning of their journey together as wife and wife. Congratulations!!!

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